Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ahhh to reflect....

Yes, yes, yes.  You are almost done. Now it is time to relfect.  Please write a 250-500 reflection on your group project. Address the following questions.
Did you achieve what you set out to acheive in your proposal? 
Did the project convey your goal?
What could you improve on?
What would you do differently next time?

Now, you are done. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Comedy is a finicky beast

Your assignment: Answer the question, What makes funny, well, funny? 250 words, well-organizied and reference at least one comedy we've watched in class. Due Thursday, 5.11

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pan's Labyrinth

Discuss the examples of patriarchy in the film.

Than, discuss examples of rebellion to the patriarchy in the film

Friday, March 9, 2012

Film project – April 9

Choose a clip from a film that is appropriate for class. You will present the clip, highlighting one cinematic element or technique used in the clip. For example, you can highlight dialogue, or the mise en scene or camera angles. You must explicitly teach the class about the technique, using the film as an example. You will them explain how it relates to the purpose of the overall film.

Please ok the clip with me prior to leaving for spring break

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fargo due 3.9

Ethan and Joel Coen

Fargo is a dark comedy that follows the lives of human beings who live fragmented lives without purpose. The characters are without hope and have become mired in misery they created for themselves, without even being aware of the tragedy of their lives.

Defend, challenge or qualify the above statement in a 500 word formal response using the characters, camera angles and setting to substantiate your answer.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Godfather due Friday 2.17

Do you like Michael at the end? Is he respectable in his role of The Godfather? Consider how he treats Kay and how the end is shot, the baptism and the juxtaposition of all of the death, how he responds to his sister after Carlo is killed. Use specific examples for the film to substantiate your answer.
Typed - 250-500 words.

Mise en scene

The performance: is the whole material thing that you take in visually and audibly
The mise en scène:
• an abstract theoretical concept of the performance, a totality, (an undifferentiated whole) perceived as a system or ensemble of signs working together to produce meaning; an organized ensemble of signs.

• Speaks by showing, not by saying.

• The relationship of the text and the performance

Think of The Godfather

Thursday, February 2, 2012

On the Waterfront - Due Feb. 8


Social realism

Black and white enhances lighting and composition. Also has to do with social realism

Director: Elia Kazan (Gentleman’s Agreement, A Streetcar Named Desire)
Screen writer: Budd Schulberg

Based on a series of articles about the corruption and labor issues on the docks longshoremen faced. These issues were not resolved.

Discuss the use of dialogue in this film. How does it enhance the theme? ( 1 page typed)